Lemon Pepper Planked Salmon, Pesto Pasta Salad

Simple Lemon Pepper Planked Salmon, Pesto Pasta Salad with Artichoke Hearts , Summer Squash, & Cherry Tomatoes

Cedar Plank Salmon

Trying to keep this push up to make clean, healthy meals.  I went out to brunch today and was tempted by a “southern breakfast burrito” with Pork belly, pimento cheese, and the like – it was pretty yummy, but not what the doctor ordered.  After seeing the triglyceride count from my lipid panel, I need to rethink how often I indulge in such things.  With that guilt fresh in my mind, I decided to counterbalance with a simple clean dinner.  The pasta salad I made in advance, with store bought pesto. I wish I had some diced zucchini to add to this when I made it, but it was really great as it was.  The salmon really married well with the pasta salad and if there are leftovers, all can be saved and eaten cold as a healthy lunch the next day. If you don’t have a plank, you can bake this or grill it traditionally.  Happy Eating 🙂



  • Wild caught salmon fillets, cut into 6 oz portions (you can have them do this at store)
  • Fresh Lemon
  • Fresh Ground Black Pepper
  • Low Sodium Tamari Sauce
  • Garlic powder
  • Onion Powder
  • Cedar plank

Soak plank about 30 minutes in water.

Rinse salmon and pat dry with a paper towel.  Mix about 2 tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice and 2 tablespoons tamari in a small bowl, add a pinch of onion powder and garlic powder then brush onto fillets.   Liberally grind fresh pepper onto fish until well peppered.

Place fillets on plank, then put onto medium heat on grill.  Cook for about 12-15 min or until fish is done.


  • Pasta shellspesto pasta salad
  • Fresh pesto, about 1/3 cup
  • Mayonnaise
  • 1 can artichoke hearts in water, drained and cut into thirds
  • 2 cups cherry tomatoes washed and cut in half
  • 2 cups Yellow squash, diced
  • Fresh ground black pepper
  • Fresh grated DOP Reggiano cheese

Boil water and cook pasta, drain

In a large bowl, combine all ingredients.  Adjust seasonings to taste, refrigerate for 2 hours


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