Yellow Curry with Summer Vegetables

green bean curry

Last week I was really craving a healthy dinner, and was wandering through a local store called “locavore” here in Bend, that features local farm fresh produce and locally sourced ingredients.  There was a homemade yellow curry powder that smelled fresh and fragrant, and that was all the inspiration I needed to pull this together.  One could easily add tofu, chicken, or shrimp for additional protein – I grilled a chicken breast that was lightly seasoned and served on the side.  I may be crazy but the act of prepping vegetables after a day of work is so therapeutic for me.  I really enjoy that space where I am focused on that task and not letting any distraction enter my space.  No TVs allowed in my kitchen! Music though …. I hope you take the time to play with vegetable combinations – I based mine on what was available in the farmers market, and I hope you do the same!


  • 2 summer squash, washed and cut into rounds
  • 1/2 orange pepper, diced
  • Good sized handful green beans, washed, trimmed, and cut into 1 inch pieces
  • 3 scallions, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon fresh grated ginger
  • ~ 2 tablespoons good fresh yellow curry powder
  • 1 can coconut milk
  • Olive oil
  • Salt to taste
  • Jasmine or Basmati rice


  • Heat olive oil in large saucepan on medium high heat
  • Add peppers, scallions, squash, and beans
  • Lightly salt
  • Reduce heat to medium
  • Cook until squash and beans begin to lightly brown
  • Add curry powder + ginger, toast briefly
  • Add coconut milk, reduce heat to low
  • Simmer until thickens, adjust seasoning to taste

Serve over rice

I originally wanted to do this with Japanese eggplant and squash, but the store was out.  Would be a good one also.  Some people prefer to add broth to this, I prefer the thicker sauce from the coconut milk by itself.  Thai Basil, Cashews, Sweet Potato, lots of variations on this theme and all delicious.

Best – Chef

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